tiistai 14. maaliskuuta 2017

All is well in Rarotonga

The Island Time has caught up with me and my days here in Raro are just sliding by. Several hours at the beach go by easily, unnoticed. As has the time since my last post (two weeks, i noticed). I have managed to set up my own little routine. I work Monday to Friday from 8.30-12, then have afternoons off.  My afternoons usually consist of having lunch, taking a nap, relaxing at the pool or the beach and once a week going to yoga and touch rugby. Some days (all the days) the steaming hotness just takes over and it is impossible to even think about going anywhere other than lying on the bed or sitting at the patio, in the shade. The sun is so burning, I always try to stay somewhere it can't reach me. The breeze brings a much needed break from overwhelming hotness but that doesn't happen much. Considering this is an island, Rarotonga is surprisingly a not windy place.

I've almost spent 4 weeks on the island and I feel like I havent done much. But I definitely have learned by heart the most important thing of Island Life: the art of relaxing. But, just to be sure, me and a friend of mine made a list of all the things we want to do here before going back home.

Just to show you I'm not totally slacking off, here's my weekly routine:

Monday: work & touch rugby / advanced yoga / walking tour
Tuesday: work & beginners yoga
Wednesday: work & relaxing
Thursday: work & relaxing
Friday: work & relaxing
Saturday: outdoor market to eat and shop & relaxing (& maybe watching and doing sports)
Sunday: just relaxing.

After a couple of active days, all I can do is to just relax at the beach and read a book. Eat well and maybe have some icecream (they are huge).

Things I have done and experienced:

- Played touch rugby in the local touch rugby league.
- Took part in a triathlon with a team. My part was to bike 16 km (took about 45 min which is okay considering I have a mountain bike, it was hot and sunny and the roads are bumpy). Other parts were 400 m swimming and 4 km running.
- Home visits with another physiotherapist in the community. Some here live well, some very poorly.
- Went snorkelling, not to the best place but still saw lots of nice things, like a huge blue starfish.
- Fruit hunting. If it's not on private property, you can pick all the fruits you see. My favourites are mango, starfruit and passion (that grows in our garden).
- Beginners yoga class.
- Naps.
- Sitting at a beach bar watching the moon rise.
- Star watching. Milky Way clearly visible.
- Continuously learning about the life and culture here.
- Got stung by a bee on my toe (I'm still alive.)

According to our list, there still is plenty to do and write about. I will try to activate my conscieous Finnish brain and start doing and experiencing things more. And to write about them to you. This week's goal is to study and pass a scooter licence test so I can start exploring the island more with a faster means of transport. Wish me luck!

Beautiful flowers everywhere.

My favourite road, behind the airport. View to the mountains is beautiful.
Noni plantation.

Single scoop Cook Islands style.
Fresh tuna for dinner.
Ever get a feeling like someone is watching you? 
Fresh Marlin at the fish shop.
Sea life.
Breadfruit. Tastes a bit like potatoes. Free from the trees.
Some physio working at the hospital.
Edification Cook Islands style.


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