sunnuntai 26. helmikuuta 2017

How to settle in to the Pacific lifestyle

Certain rules apply when settling in to the Rarotongan lifestyle. Please follow these rules obediently.

Rule no 1: Relax. Lay back. Everything is going to be alright.
Rule no 2: Talk to people. Tell them who you are, what you do. Make friends.
Rule no 3: Always, I repeat, always wear sunlotion (SPF 50 required). Even in the mornings. And afternoon. Until the sun goes down.
Rule no 4: Always, I repeat, always take an umbrella or a rainproof jacket with you.
Rule no 5: Explore the island and the people. Both of them have a lot to offer.
Rule no 6: Enjoy.

I have now spent over a week on the beautiful island of Rarotonga. I'm still settling in and not yet sure of what to write here but once I get more into everything, I will have a lot of stories to tell. What I can say is, so far I love it here!

Things I've learned:

- Wear sun lotion. All the time.
- Always come on time. "Half of the island comes on time, the other half comes late. We call it the 'real Island time'", said one local.
- Local greeting is a kiss on the right cheek.
- Nobody walks. Ever.

Things I've done:

- Worked at the hospital for a week in the mornings, mainly getting to know to people and places and finding my own spot.
- Bought my own bicycle. Thebike shop will buy it back when i leave.
- Biked every morning up the hospital hill (the hill itself takes about 10 minutes). My record is 2/3 of the hill. After that I have to stop and push my bike up the rest of the way. After 20 minutes at work, the sweating usually stops.

Things I've experienced:

- Local Rugby League game. So exciting! Such a good atmosphere! So brutal. I still prefer Rugby Union.
- An Island night up in the mountains where a tribe used to live. We were told about the history and traditions of the island, dancing and singing.
- Graduation ceremony of The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Center. Also attended by the Prime Minister of the Cooks.
- Scorching sun, heavy rain. The weather here has been ever changing and unpredictable.
- One storm.
- One cyclone warning. The warning was cancelled after 3 hours and the day turned out to be sunny and beautiful.
- Sunday church at one of the many churches on the island. Very different from the Finnish church.
- A hike in the jungle in pouring rain with some of the expats on the islands.
- My first bad sunburn on this trip. No sunlotion + 15 minutes of sun = bad idea.
- Guava.
- Geckoes squealing and hunting mosquitoes and fireflies.
Island Night at Highland Paradise.
A Punanga Nui Saturday market in town.
Eels vs. Sea Eagles 24-24.
30 degrees in the shade makes it a bit tough to play rugby.
Sunday church in town.
Whale and Wildlife Center.
My new ride!
Quiet Nikao beach.

Right now it's 8 pm on Sunday evening and I'm sitting at the verandah with my German friends listening to the sounds of the evening.


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